Marco Castro

Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer Hobbyist Nurse Master's Student

My Projects

Sample Projects

Ecommerce (admin, store)

Full stack ecommerce application with admin and store functionality. Both with frontend and backend. Payment handled with Stripe and authentication with Google OAuth.

Link to the demo

Dribble Clone

Inspired by, this app is a social media platform for developers, designers, and other tech professionals to share their work. It has a feedback and related work functionalities.

Link to the demo

Wolt Clone

A clone of Wolt - popular food delivery platform. It's a static website built with Next.js and Styled Components.

Link to the demo

3D Virtual Tour

Virtual tour company site. Images were captured using a 360 camera and processed with Kuula and Matterport to create a 3D virtual tour.

Link to the demo

My Tech Stack

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